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Grigori Grabovoi

Doctor of Physics and Mathematics academician, author of the discovery of creating information area and original works on forecasting future events, their control, correction and the basics of technologies calculation and designing (devices), the author of the Teachings “On salvation and harmonious development”.

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Interview of Grigori Grabovoi to journalist Michael Vogt

El conocimiento en los trabajos de Grigori Grabovoi

El conocimiento en los trabajos de Grigori Grabovoi son establecidos conceptualmente para permitir el autoaprendizaje continuo. Los trabajos del autor, Grigori Grabovoi, contienen el conocimiento creado por él, de la salvación y el desarrollo eterno armónico que cubre las áreas principales de la actividad humana. El control del conocimiento contenido en estos trabajos se presenta en un nivel práctico definido en estos trabajos. La teoría de la sociedad nueva ha sido desarrollada en las Enseñanzas de Grigori Grabovoi. Los valores principales de esta sociedad son el conocimiento, la información y la creación, el desarrollo del potencial espiritual y la garantía de la vida eterna para todos. Los trabajos de las Enseñanzas incluyen las bases informativa y práctica desarrolladas del control del conocimiento de la vida eterna, el cual se puede caracterizar como un concepto del control del conocimiento difundido ampliamente en todas las esferas de la actividad, incluyendo a la ciencia y educación. A través del uso de los trabajos de Grigori Grabovoi se lleva a cabo la formación directa de las “tecnologías del control del conocimiento” como un grupo de métodos y técnicas específicos para garantizar la circulación libre del conocimiento, su generación y envío en la esfera que garantiza la vida eterna de todas las personas y los seres vivos.

El propósito de la capacitación, basado en el currículo de las Enseñanzas de Grigori Grabovoi y los resultados de la práctica de Grigori Grabovoi sobre el control para fines de la salvación, así como de los resultados de las personas quienes practican las Enseñanzas de Grigori Grabovoi, es la creación del sistema del control del conocimiento y su uso a nivel de las instituciones educativas, las cuales enseñan la vida eterna para garantizarla para todos.

Esto demuestra que la adquisición del conocimiento y el control de este, según las Enseñanzas de Grigori Grabovoi, estando en la intersección de disciplinas diferentes, es una marca nueva y real en la dirección ambiental de hoy en día, que hace posible salvar al mundo realmente de una posible catástrofe global, y garantizar la vida eterna real para todas las personas y seres vivos.

El conocimiento de las Enseñanzas de Grigori Grabovoi representa un valor independiente, adicionalmente, hace surgir un efecto multiplicador relacionado con otras áreas de la actividad humana y, de forma simultánea, contribuye con el nivel de la eficacia del desarrollo de todas las áreas de la actividad humana hacia el desarrollo duradero de todas las personas. Por lo tanto, en el mundo contemporáneo, el conocimiento, el cual es difícil de replicar como los activos y el método de su alojamiento, se convierte en la fuente de la ventaja, en lugar de un sitio principal en un cierto momento. Además, el foco aquí no solo es la creación del conocimiento, sino también su movimiento y uso en la sociedad debido a la comprensión por los miembros de la sociedad de la necesidad de la vida eterna para todos. Para garantizar esto, las Enseñanzas de Grigori Grabovoi incluyen las partes teóricas, metodológicas y prácticas. La parte práctica incluye los resultados de la aplicación de las Enseñanzas de Grigori Grabovoi para que las personas comprendan la realidad de obtener resultados, la extrapolación de la cual se demuestra la posibilidad de garantizar la vida eterna a través de las Enseñanzas de Grigori Grabovoi.

La parte teórica de las Enseñanzas de Grigori Grabovoi está justificada científicamente en sus trabajos: “Las estructuras aplicadas de la creación del campo informativo, “El sistema unificado del conocimiento”, “La investigación y análisis de las definiciones fundamentales de los sistemas ópticos en la prevención de catástrofes y control orientado al pronóstico de microprocesos”, “Los métodos irracionales de prevención de procesos catastróficos globales que representan una amenaza a todo el mundo”, “El sistema educativo de Grigori Grabovoi”, “La estructuración de la conciencia”, “Los principios de la resurrección y la vida diaria”.

Examen de la eficacia, basado en lo declarado sobre los trabajos de la meta de la salvación y el desarrollo eterno armónico, de todos los textos de Grigori Grabovoi tanto impresos como en formato electrónico, y las imágenes en estos textos, todas las grabaciones de audio con su voz, fonogramas y todas las grabaciones de video con su imagen.  17 de enero de 2013.

Economía de la salvación

He desarrollado la economía de la salvación, en la cual la distribución de las ganancias es de hecho más rentable que, por ejemplo, si no lo toma en cuenta. Esta distribución es como se indica a continuación: cuando no tomamos en cuenta la estructura de las conexiones comunes o, supongamos, por algún motivo se establece una tarea: solo la ganancia, de hecho, la señal de no responsabilizarme de mi economía llega a la estructura de la responsabilidad obligatoria; aquí es la reformulación. De hecho, tengo un modelo matemático, el cual hace posible la implementación de un control y hace posible enseñar con facilidad los métodos de la economía de la salvación. Con los métodos de la economía, bueno, los cuales se basan en la tarea de obtener una buena ganancia, ocurre el estatus de la simultaneidad de las conexiones universalmente armoniosas, porque muestro que la conciencia humana está dispuesta de tal forma que los elementos de la conciencia contienen el conocimiento del desarrollo económico, incluyendo el desarrollo hacia la salvación y creación. Por lo tanto, la ganancia en este caso se considera como una ganancia generalizada y ganancia transferida con el retorno futuro a través de la estructura de la salvación. O sea, en líneas generales, esta es otra economía que aquella que se desarrolla solo en la rentabilidad. Esta es otra economía que de hecho ofrece una ganancia significativamente mayor que aquella, la cual, por ejemplo, no toma en cuenta la tarea de la salvación universal. Por lo tanto, yo enseño los métodos del control económico de tal forma que muestro cómo su conciencia se extiende al conocimiento de estas conexiones. Y cuando se dan cuenta de que conocen estas conexiones, construyen su propio programa económico o participan en el programa económico general de la sociedad, para que estén conscientes de que cada movimiento es dado junto a las tareas de la preservación de la civilización, las tareas de garantizar del desarrollo ecológico, las tareas de lo eterno, de hecho, la reproducción de la vida. Por lo tanto, en este caso, para que la economía se desarrolle para ustedes en la estructura del control, solo porque mediante la distribución correcta de los recursos ustedes, en tal forma, pueden crear las condiciones para la reproducibilidad eterna de la vida. Esta es una tecnología económica especial, la cual, primero, toma en cuenta cómo su alma interactúa con los elementos de los eventos futuros y cómo esos eventos se distribuyen en el espacio y tiempo y cómo estos eventos se conectan con su alma. El concepto de la economía de la salvación se basa en el principio de la distribución de las ganancias en la estructura de la salvación, donde la ganancia regresa principalmente después de pasar el vínculo tecnológico, por ejemplo, de la seguridad ecológica del desarrollo de la vida. Entonces, de hecho, la ganancia obtiene un valor añadido más grande debido a su distribución al futuro entero, ya que, en este caso, el futuro es conocido, al contrario del caso cuando no hacemos esto y, por ende, pueden ocurrir problemas relacionados con el desarrollo general.


IV World Conference on Peace and Light

The speech of Grigori Grabovoi at IV World Conference on Peace and Light, which takes place from August 24 to 26, 2018 in the Dominican Republic.

April 16, 2018. Press conference.


April 16, 2018. Press conference.

The speech of the lawyer of Grigori Grabovoi, Mikhail Trepashkin

Trepashkin M.I.: – I once again thank all those who have come to the press conference. And I would like to inform you that the main reason for this press conference is that on April 11, 2018 the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation abolished 26 decisions on the case of Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi, by which he was detained for a long time, I emphasize again, was held for long time in custody. At first, the European Court found this unjustified, it issued this decision last year, it was a pilot decision, and on the basis of this very decision of the European Court the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation has passed a resolution.

I just want to say that they take it purely mechanically, they do not list all the grounds on which the persons were taken into custody, that is, I wanted to say that there was not, in fact, reported that they could hide, run away, and so on. They just (this is the decision of the European Court of Justice) list the same decisions, cancel them and that’s all. This is the decision that was made.

So, for now the European Court has singled out only according to the fifth article, that is, this is illegal detention for a long time, the rest is not yet considered. The complaint was a big one and was submitted a very long time ago and according to the sixth article and according to a number of other articles. They singled out only the fifth article so far, they asked to make the statement again, as if in a new form, and on the basis of it they decided.

I would like to say that we have one more reason, because in April 2018, from April 2018, Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi is considered to be not convicted, that is, his conviction has been repaid, that is, from now on he is considered as if not convicted.

This is another reason why we gathered the press conference. I would like to draw attention to the fact that, for some reason, the media are obsessed with such a biased accusation, with the person’s blackening. It was happening from the very beginning, and now they write that Grigori Petrovich deceived the mothers of Beslan.

Since I, as a lawyer in the criminal case, would like to ask to give this information, taking into account the opportunity to present this information, that according to the materials of the criminal case none of the mothers of Beslan was listed as a victim. Moreover, all the publications that say that there were interlocutors who came to Ossetia, there were negotiations and so on, – their surnames are not established, – it’s just someone letting the rumor out, and this is what I call that someone said somewhere, “some granny said somewhere”. And the rumor spread, it did not correspond to reality. And we intend, if such information is disseminated, to sue those who write that the mothers of Beslan were deceived. Because this is a serious question, this slander essentially affects the interests, and even contains a certain threat, that is, spread defamation that does not correspond to reality, which then can turn into not good, so to say, actions of some kind.

Now regarding the expressions such as a “sect” and so on. I, too, would like to touch upon this issue, because many people say: “What kind of the Teachings it is?”, and so on.

I, as a lawyer, take only the criminal part. I defended the anti-fascists, I was not interested in their particular theory, I defended those persons who were regarded as nationalists by the Russians, I did not particularly consider their teachings either, because I am primarily interested in the criminal law. If a person is accused to what extent does it correspond to … well, whether he actually violated, or did not violate, and if there is lawlessness, or not. Only the criminal part.

I can say at once that Grigori Grabovoi was pursued absolutely illegally throughout this time, and the term he was serving is clearly illegal. Illegal.

I think that the court of Bereznikovsky, which was considering the petition for grant of parole once, paid attention to this. Because the representatives of the prison were against it. As usually, there was something forged before the person had to submit a petition for grant of parole, that he had a punishment there, they found some object that should have not been kept, and so on. The prosecutor’s office of Bereznikovsky was also against, but nevertheless the judge made a decision that, as they say, that he could have been granted parole and released. The term for the criminal record cancellation is counted from the date of the release on parole. Therefore, it was in April 2010, the deadline is now expiring. They impose here such a point. Why do I say “illegally”, sometimes they also say “all are considered illegal” and so on, and I again rely on the materials of the case, not the way to ascertain the fact, but the rest.

If it were not for the sign “organized criminal group”, which was attributed to Grigori Petrovich, even if there were several of these episodes, he would have not been even imprisoned.

In an organized group, as is known, there are two or more persons. And now I remember when the issue was being decided in the Supreme Court. I said, “Well, look, all the persons who were, were identified, there were no unidentified persons, all are identified. In all cases, criminal cases have been dismissed for lack of corpus delicti, I emphasize. How can you accuse of the organized group, this sign should be removed. If this sign is removed, he is automatically released and is innocent … And yet, I returned a little bit again to the criminal part.  

As for the theory. As I understand, the meaning here is such that Grigori Petrovich, he … On the basis of a conversation with some persons engaged in science in the field of physics, they say he just stood up for those technologies of information transfer, which had not been yet comprehended by science. In fact, once, long ago, we would have never thought either, well not we, to be more precise, but human never thought, that it had been possible to transfer the same teleimage, moreover color, at a distance. Any person could be recognized: “yes it’s not that.”

So physicists explain that Grigori Petrovich has risen to some other one, he comprehends some, or has embarked on the path to comprehend the new … as the transmission of information, proceeding even from the publication. I’m not a great specialist, but based on the publication.

After all, it has been already established that when a person dies, his weight decreases, that is, the Soul has weight. No one denies this. It has already been established that a thought is material, because even if a person stands at a distance, he feels that someone is looking at him. But after all, the content of this transmission of this information is not yet discovered, and after all it is possible then, if it is revealed, it is possible to influence it in some way. Well, people can talk, as they say, silently. That is, here’s about some of these technologies. And well, many, many such others.

For example, why are there some natural phenomena in the spring, and some other are in the fall? Isn’t it the same light that flies from there, is just the code to launch a certain life? We just have to think about this, it’s quite explicable, quite understandable.

Why do the Russia Orthodox Church and many others call it a sect and so on? Because it is not profitable for them. It is now proved by science, maybe I will again refer only to the media, that a person, when he prays, his brains are turned off. And mostly those people come to the church who are burdened with some problems, and when he prays, if they say that at this time the brain does not work, that is, there is unloading, he relaxes, that is why they go to church. But you can not abuse this too, because if you turn off too often, people no longer think about science and do not think about comprehending some phenomena. Therefore, they do not want, I understand that first of all the Russia Orthodox Church and others, do not want people to think more about science, about the movement of society forward, about comprehension of the same technologies and so on, so they come up against it.

When I watched the broadcasts, when they again came up against him, that there was a sect, there was something else, everything, but nobody said specifically, for some reason… I had more impression that these were more “demons in cassocks” than people who really serve spirituality and so on.

Perhaps, that’s all I have. The main information, I will sum up the results again.

The first thing is that twenty-six resolutions have been canceled. This indicates that the reverse process has already started, and it proves that Grigori Petrovich was illegally, illegally detained.

The second point is this, since April 2018, it is not allowed to write anywhere that he was convicted, he is not convicted.

Well, the third question, which is the most important, that the case nowhere includes the mothers of Beslan as victims. Grigori Petrovich had not been to the Caucasus, he did not talk to anyone and promised no one that he would raise the children. These are the questions.


The book Information levels of cognition is an inexhaustible source of practical knowledge, in which you will find answers to a wide variety of questions.

Why can you achieve the absolute control for creation of constructive events only when the compulsory presence of material objects in the world is taken into account: the planet Earth, the physical bodies of people? That is, it is always necessary to work for the realization of the principle of non-dying and for ensuring eternal development of the entire reality, including physical reality.

What is the event of the weak information level or the level of weak signals, which to a certain extent correlates the event level of a person? The methods of working with this level from the point of view of normalizing the information taking into account the universal connections are also included.

In the book you, will find Practical recommendations on protection from radiation exposure and elimination of consequences of radioactive damage to the organism by means of control through Consciousness.

You will learn what such a concept as “a person has grown wings” means from the point of view of information and how to concentrate consciousness so that the creative process would not deplete the strength of man, but became stable and man could always be in the state of creativity.

In the section “Informational levels of cognition that do not correspond to the protein environment of perception”, it will become clear how to know the elements and processes occurring in the objects that are considered as non-living forms, for example, for diagnosing equipment, for diagnosing an event level in a spectrum not related to people or to plants.

The section “The System of Adaptation of Consciousness to the Changing Dynamic Environment” is about the existence of the “external information framework, that contains various knowledge, including the knowledge on the dynamic structures”. It includes the methodology of accurate cognition, which consists in the fact that it is possible to consider cognition through the system of understanding, and it is possible, knowing the precise geometrical location of the entry points into the information framework relative to the location of internal organs or parts of the human body, to carry out docking with the geometry of the information framework.

In the section “The Nature of Some Diseases”, you will learn about the existence of an information framework that exists around human, you will understand its structure and learn the methods that will enable you to monitor future events of man, that will make it possible to prevent the occurrence of serious illnesses and accidents.

Every person interested in technologies of ensuring eternal life can buy the new book by Grigori Grabovoi “Information levels of cognition” in online stores:


and CreateSpace

The book “Information levels of cognition”

The book “Information levels of cognition” gives the reader an opportunity to touch the inexhaustible source of practical knowledge of eternal development.

The information levels of cognition of reality by man are endless, and the author’s seminars, conducted by Grigori Grabovoi in 1979-1996, included in the book, reveal these huge capabilities of man.

The received knowledge protects both the person, and his environment, and it works for the macro-protection of the whole planet.

In conversations with the students of the seminars, the author answers many important questions. The reader will learn how to achieve absolute control to create constructive events; what the level of weak signals, correlating the event level of a person, is; how to concentrate consciousness, so that the creative process does not deplete the strength of man; what is the kind of nature of some diseases. The sections of the book contain technologies and methods of work.

All information in the new book becomes available to the general public FOR THE FIRST TIME. This treasure will necessarily become a powerful springboard for the next stage of the development of mankind on the path of the Eternal Life of All!


and CreateSpace


Книга Григория Грабового “Информационные уровни познания” предоставляет читателю возможность прикоснуться к неиссякаемому источнику практических знаний вечного развития. 

Информационные уровни познания реальности человеком бесконечны. Авторские записи и семинары, проведённые Грабовым Григорием Петровичем в 1979-1996 годах, включённые в книгу, раскрывают эти огромные возможности человека. Полученные знания защищают и самого человека, и его окружение, и работают на макрозащиту всей планеты.

В беседах со слушателями семинаров автор отвечает на многие важные вопросы. Читатель узнает, как можно добиться абсолютного контроля для создания созидательных событий; что такое уровень слабых сигналов, коррелирующий событийный уровень человека; как нужно концентрировать сознание, чтобы творческий процесс не истощал силы человека; какая природа у некоторых заболеваний. В разделах книги даются технологии и методы работы.
Книга Григория Грабового – «ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЕ УРОВНИ ПОЗНАНИЯ» может быть приобретена каждым интересующимся технологиями обеспечения вечной жизни в интернет-магазинах Амазон и CreateSpace

Methods of use of device of development of concentrations of Grigori Grabovoi PRK-1U

The first method is based on the fact that any equipment should operate eternally exactly in the instrumentation of eternal life. Therefore, when you work according to the functions of the device, such as the development of concentrations of eternal life for any event, it is necessary to provide a control, referring to the fact that in the future you will be able either to use the device directly, or when it is not  present physically near you, it will be possible just to remember it at that moment,  (at that moment when you were working with it)  and re-enable the operation of the device.

The current model of device PRK-1U is designed according to individual data, but the one who works with the device, can work on the tasks of others. Therefore, it is possible to show the second method of use in the structure of control in line with the device, where it is possible, at the moment of control, directly on the part of the people who work individually with the device, for whom the device is configured, to connect the work of others, and at the same time to work independently. That is, it is possible to work either alone or at the same time: the person who works with this device and others so to speak with him.

The practice shows that both the direct use of the device, that is, when the device is near, and the remote use, for example, via Skype, is the same. Therefore, when the device, for example, is configured for eight people, it is possible to turn the device on and display the image on Skype, and eight people will be able to work simultaneously. At the same time, each one will be able to work individually, that is, at any desired time for him.

PRK-1UThus, we can add on the third method of the device application, that when the control with the device is undertaken, when there is a collective work, and moreover each one can have his own goals as well as the overall goals, it possible to apply such a law of development of the Collective Consciousness, when the experience, knowledge and positive results of other people can be used as a positive experience, and an amplification of the effectiveness of concentrations and control.

Thus, we can consider, for example, the fourth method of use of the device of concentrations development, where, taking into account the possibility of both a remote, and direct use of the device, to identify such a function in the device, as the development of cognition through the generation of namely the matter and modulation of the matter of eternal life. That is to try, for example, using the development of concentrations of eternal life for controlling clairvoyance and for controlling forecasting, due to the fact that the device generates this matter of eternal life, the field of eternal life, try to solve some of the most urgent tasks with the help of this range, this field eternal life.

In the practice of use of device PRK-1U numerous information flows appear, that is, some following new information systems may appear, which enable person to understand deeper what is happening on some specific issues, and due to this to take a better decisions in the control. In the instrumentation of eternal life, the contactability with the matter of eternal life may condition a certain, quite specific level and algorithm for solving many of the situations from the point of view of the eternal life.

And the fifth method of the device application is that, given that the device enables to strengthen different abilities and develop them, and namely, the abilities to provide eternal life, then, in this method, it is possible to use a variety of structures of simultaneous control, such as the development of the concentration of eternal life for controlling clairvoyance and simultaneously for controlling forecasting. And at that it is possible to visualize the two levels of informational controlling flow, quickly compare them, and to get the most effective elements; practically, due to this, the efficiency of the control than can be enhanced significantly.

For manufacturing and using the device PRK-1U according Sub-license agreement you need first of all to send on e- mail  an Application for testing the device by the applicant or group of applicants.

An Application form and all documents for testing you can download on this link:

The testing of the device is carried out by the applicants at distance via Skype, in accordance with the patent of Grigori Grabovoi: “Information Carrying System”.

Education Program with device PRK-1U

The device for development of concentrations of eternal life PRK-1U is a unique opportunity to develop, with the help of the device, your consciousness and spirit. The device will enable you to move to a new way of life, helping to develop your consciousness, controlling clairvoyance, controlling forecasting, to hold a course of rejuvenation.

There are no analogues of this device in the world.

The device was created by Grigori Grabovoi on the basis of two currently effective patented inventions of Grigori Grabovoi “Method for prevention of catastrophes and device for its realization” and “The Information Carrying System”.

Download application

Everyone knows that the thought is material. With the help of thinking, by structuring your consciousness, you can change your events for the better, you can restore your health, you can help others, and so on. But if consciousness and the spirit are not structured sufficiently to ensure that the thoughts have quickly come true, it turns out, that it is possible to develop them to the desired level. For this, Russian scientist Grigori Grabovoi developed a unique device for development of concentrations PRK-1U. It is possible to develop your spirit and your consciousness with the help of this device. And this means health and favorable life events, and not only for yourself, but for other people as well. It is also possible, using the PRK-1U, to develop controlling clairvoyance and the controlling forecasting. But most importantly, what the device was created for, is to ensure eternal life for you and all, therefore, it develops a lot of opportunities of the individual.

In the development of the concentration of rejuvenation in eternal life using PRK-1U, the processes of rejuvenation are faster due to the fact that there is a direct contact control with the matter of eternal life, which carries with it the possibility of the young state of the organism. At the same time, the rejuvenating effect lasts continuously, generally quite a long time. In other words, the personal rejuvenation mechanisms are turned on, which are often turned on, when a sort of boost is required. Therefore, they are natural mechanisms, which are peculiar exactly to the capability of the Soul, the Spirit of man, Consciousness of man, his physiological capabilities.

The current model of device PRK-1U is designed according to individual data of the user, but the one who works with the device, can work on the tasks of others. In the structure of control on this device, the user is the person, for whom the device is configured. He can also connect other people to the work and at the same time work on his own. That is, the user can work either alone or simultaneously with others.
The practice shows that both methods of use of the device, that is, direct, when the device is near you, and remote, for example, through Skype or webcam, are equally effective.

The practice of use of PRK-1U confirms that numerous information flows appear, that is, there may be some following new information systems that enable a person to understand deeper what is happening on some specific issues, and due to this to take a better decision in control. The contact with the matter of eternal life, which is manifested in the instrumentation of eternal life, can condition a certain quite specific level and algorithm for solving many of the situations from the point of view of eternal life.

Purchase of the Training Program with device PRK-1U:

  1. For the manufacture of device PRK-1U based on individual data and the use of the device according to the sublicense agreement is necessary, first of all, to send to email an application for the device testing for the applicant or a group of applicants. The application form and all documents for the test can be downloaded through the following link.
  2. The device is made for a single applicant or a group of applicants of 8 persons.
  3. The price of the device is 9700 euro including VAT and materials of Education Program on the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi in electronic form on a USB flash card.
  4. After application has been received, the test of the device for the applicant will be carried out.
  5. The term of manufacturing of the device is determined after the test. The payment can be done in the form of a 100% pre-payment or in equal installments on a monthly basis during the period of manufacture of the device.
  6. Upon the completion of the test a sub-license agreement for the use of the Training Program with PRK-1U is be concluded.

Test of the device:

    1. The test of the device by the applicants is performed remotely via Skype, in accordance with the patent “The Information CarryingSystem”.
    2. Duringthe test, the applicants make sure that the device developsconcentrations.
    3. The test of the device among the group of applicants has shown that anyone, who has tested it, has very good results of using the device from the first time. That is, an important characteristic of the device, such as a systematic approach in the work of the device, is functioning. This characteristic was laid by Grigori Grabovoi in the design of the device, since all should be able to live eternally.
    4. During the test, the applicants make sure that the device develops concentrations. Upon the receipt of the test results sufficient for the acquisition of the device the applicants sign the protocol of test of PRK – 1U. (Word and Pdf forms of Protocols are available here).
    5. Then a sub-license agreement for the use of the Training Program with PRK-1U is concluded; based on the agreement, the development according to the individual data of the applicants, and manufacturing and delivery to the applicant, if the device is bought by one person or a legal entity, or an organization, is carried out. If the application comes from a group of applicants, the sub-license agreement is concluded with the representative of the group of applicants, or director of the organization.

The efficiency of the device for development of concentrations PRK-1U has been objectively established and is confirmed by the following :

  • Bythe Publication in a scientific journal “Electronic Engineering”that contains the physical and mathematical theory justifying theprinciples and technologies of operation of PRK-1U. This physical andmathematical theory is confirmed by mathematical calculations andtest results. The article reads:

A physical-mathematical theory and a device, which make it possible to determine the component of information related to the future events, have been created. The work implements the principles of theoretical and instrumental technologies based on the postulate of common interrelationship of all elements of reality. The work describes the method of receiving of a substance. The method is based on the isolation of the matter by application of the mechanism of control of the area of the future events. … According to the law of common connections between all phenomena of reality, the results received for the optical systems, can be transferred into any media, which have similar functions. The potential eternity of man in this case really reproduces the service life of the device. The eternal gives birth to the eternal. In the generalized sense all reproduced by man devices and mechanisms have to comply with the described conditions. Hence, according to the principle of reverse connection these devices and mechanisms will be always creative for man and under no conditions they will destroy man or environment. … For man the theory of wave synthesis proves immortality. For realization of the immortality it is necessary in accordance with the theory of wave synthesis to transfer the area of reproduction of the steady phase of reality S into the wave of the dynamic phase of reality Y.

In order to ensure eternal life, the transfer of the area of reproduction of the stationary phase of reality into the wave of a dynamic reality is implemented when PRK-1U is applied by the development of the following concentrations, which create the dynamic phase of reality: for rejuvenation, any event, controlling clairvoyance and forecasting.

Device PRK-1U, created by Grigori Grabovoi in accordance with the principles and technologies described in his publication, always works creatively and can be used any number of times.

All the materials of this publicationwere checked and confirmed by the numerous staff of doctors of physics and mathematics, and engineering sciences who were the members of the editorial board of the journal “Electronic Engineering” This publication is available at the website:

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